Coming soon

contactless payments
with only your iPhone

With Tap to Pay on iPhone and Stancer, you can accept all types of in-person, contactless payments on your iPhone — no extra hardware needed.

Tap to Pay on iPhone,
to make payment in person easier

No hardware required - just your iPhone

You can accept all types of in-person and contactless payments directly on your iPhone, whether they come from bank cards, Apple Pay or other digital wallets. No additional terminals or hardware are required.

Easy to set up and use

Forget all the trouble of developing and managing a personalized payment device. Using Tap to Pay on iPhone with Stancer you get a fully certified solution that's easy to activate in your Stancer app.

Integrated privacy and security

Tap to Pay on iPhone uses the security and confidentiality features built into the iPhone to protect your customers' data. When a payment is processed, the code and card numbers are never saved on the device or on Apple's servers.

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the launch

Simple. Accessible. Secure.